An Occlusal Splint (also called a Bite Splint, Bite Plane, Night Guard or a Bite Guard) is a removable dental appliance carefully moulded to fit the upper or lower arches of teeth worn at night to reduce the amount of grinding pressure transferred to the teeth. Bite Guard offers relief for the muscles of the jaw and protection of the teeth from wear and breakage.Most of sport person use mouth guard in order to protect teeth,gum and jaw from injury.
Teeth grinding and teeth clenching also known as Bruxism, generally it occurs during sleep and can often go unnoticed. Bruxism is the technical term for the grinding of teeth in sleep.
This happens more often during sleep. Most people are totally unaware that they clench and grind their teeth at night. That is, until they wake up with the suggestive sore jaw and a dull headache. . Often, a partner or family member is the first to notice the sufferer’s condition due to the noise associated with this teeth grinding throughout the night. Bruxism is also one of the most common sleeping disorders in the world.
Although some people may also grind their teeth during the day, for the average person, Bruxism or grinding teeth occurs in sleep at night.It goes without saying that consistent grinding will wear down the teeth to stubs. More than that, other consequent problem arise associated with bruxism..
Problems associated with Bruxism
Treatment and correction of Bruxism related damage
Since this condition worsens continuously, the Bruxism treatment should start immediately, as soon as the condition is diagnosed. Once the underlying cause, such as stress is identified, appropriate steps should be taken to eliminate it. In milder cases, wearing the Night Guard should suffice to control the situation.
In severe cases, a full mouth rehabilitation is required to reverse the damage already done, followed by wearing the Night Guard to prevent the habit from creating further problems.
During waking hours, most people are aware that they’re doing it and can control it. Some of those people, however, carry this habit on in their sleep. Chronically clenching teeth or a clenching jaw can be bad habit, causing detrimental effects on dental health.
In the medical world, they call the this bruxism. It used to be thought that the cause of bruxing was a bad bite. Dentists would correct this by filing down the teeth themselves. Nowadays, the real primary cause is known to be symptoms of stress and anxiety.
Secondary causes are related to sleeping disturbances, certain medications and a misalignment of the jaw bone or teeth. Whatever the cause is, it should be addressed sooner rather than later to prevent the need for dreaded dental procedures, such as:
The most effective remedy for bruxism is a professionally fitted night mouth guard.
Mouth Guard For Clenching
Mouth guards immediately prevent further damage to the teeth. Here at DR.YOJNA’S DENTAL CLINIC we take precise impressions from ur mouth registering every minute details of gum and teeth anatomy to make your mouth guard such that they fit snug between the upper and lower sets of teeth to keep them from touching. Some of them work by re-directing the force of the jaw pressure. Others work simply by discouraging the bite at all.
Tips for Quitting the Clench and Grind
Aside for the mouth guard, it is important to get to the source of all the grinding and clenching.
Stress – if this is the problem, reserve some time in the day for de-stressing activities, like exercise, reading or meditation.
Avoid stimulants – caffeine and nicotine, for instance, mimic the stress response in the body, causing tense muscles.
Retrain the jaw – don’t chew gum or the end of a pencil or straw. This is subconscious training that encourages the teeth and jaw clench involuntarily.